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Accommodations and Accessibility

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Image of TRiO logo.

The TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. TRiO programs were created to encourage students to pursue higher education, regardless of socioeconomic, cultural or ethnic background. SSS provides support and services to assist and encourage college students with developing their academic potential, and remain in college through graduation. The TRiO program provides comprehensive guidance, academic and personal support within an active community of students and staff. The TRiO Student Support Services staff are committed to making college a rewarding and successful experience for each participant.

As a Trio participant, you will receive support at every step of your journey here at Marist, including: Image of types of support provided as a TRiO participant.

  • Academic counseling, advising and action planning
  • Tutoring
  • Academic coaching for your specific needs
  • Workshops and seminars for academic and personal development
  • Career exploration and planning
  • Testing and study space that is convenient for you
  • Peer Mentoring

Image of students sitting on steps. TRiO participants must have a documented disability (physical, emotional, and/or learning disability), demonstrate a need for academic support, and meet at least one of the following federally defined criteria:

  • First generation college student
  • Low income: based on income guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Education
  • Be a U.S. citizen, or permanent resident
  • Be a full-time student at Marist
  • Meet academic criteria
  • May not be a participant in another federally funded program at Marist

TRiO SSS can provide:

  • A support network of staff and peers who view your success as a priority
  • Maximize your likelihood of completing your degree
  • A community of peers, and staff that become like family
  • Mentoring and leadership opportunities
  • TRiO is absolutely FREE

Acceptance is based on an application process. Image of a graphic of a computer screen that reads apply.

Apply early; only 120 students can be accepted.

Please be sure to download and save the application form to your computer before completing. Any data entered in the form in a web browser will not save properly.

Completed applications should be mailed to either or

For more details, contact the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility:

(845) 575-3274 / Donnelly Hall, Room 226